How to convert Url to Imege/File By Deluge for Creator || Using the Upload Api || How to upload Imege in zoho creator from crm
This code snippet appears to be part of a script or program that involves invoking URLs to handle file uploads. Let's break it down: 1 Invoke the URL to retrieve a file ( Logo ) : Logo is the url of Imege like Logo ="" response = invokeurl [ url :Logo type :GET ]; Here, the code is making a GET request to a URL stored in a variable named Logo . This request likely retrieves some file data. 2. Setting parameters : response.setParamName("file"); This line sets a parameter named "file" in the response obtained from the previous request. It prepares the response to be sent as a file in a subsequent request. Logo_imge = invokeurl [ url :"" + CreatorID + "/Logo/upload" type :POST files:response connection:"creator" ]; 4. Logging info "Logo_imge==" + Logo_imge; This p...