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How to convert Url to Imege/File By Deluge for Creator || Using the Upload Api || How to upload Imege in zoho creator from crm

This code snippet appears to be part of a script or program that involves invoking URLs to handle file uploads. Let's break it down:

1 Invoke the URL to retrieve a file (Logo):

Logo is the url of Imege like

Logo =""

response = invokeurl [ url :Logo type :GET ];

Here, the code is making a GET request to a URL stored in a variable named Logo. This request likely retrieves some file data.

2. Setting parameters:


This line sets a parameter named "file" in the response obtained from the previous request. It prepares the response to be sent as a file in a subsequent request.

Logo_imge = invokeurl [ url :"" + CreatorID + "/Logo/upload" type :POST files:response connection:"creator" ];

4. Logging
info "Logo_imge==" + Logo_imge;

This part of the code makes a POST request to a Zoho Creator API endpoint to upload the file. It uses the response obtained earlier as the file to be uploaded. The CreatorID variable is used within the URL, and the response variable containing the file data is sent as part of the request.


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